MentorCap Management Private Limited’s (MentorCap) is a multi-strategy asset management company that pursues attractive and differentiated opportunities across two business classes:

  1. Innovators with proven technology and large scaling potential under our TeXcubator program
  2. Technocrats of Technology start-ups that have large addressable markets anchored in India under our TeXellerator program
  3. Existing promoter managed companies with well established businesses that continue to remain undervalued under our Public Market program

Our objective is to develop a portfolio of blockbuster businesses by identifying low risk, high return opportunities, each of which is provided operational and strategic support through comprehensive strategies that pass a rigorous evaluation process. Our aim is to significantly improve the probability of success by mobilizing a pedigreed in-house team and financial resources, thereby increasing the potential for exponential value creation.



  • 1Identify, select, and invest in the high potential companies in sunrise industries with proven technologies that create the potential to become blockbuster business
  • 2Evaluate and partner with the innovator/ promoter or assign an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) that has the domain knowledge and capabilities to lead the technology and form global relationships for the business
  • 3Provide the investee companies with the best of breed resources and management capabilities that will catapult the Company to industry leadership and mitigate early-stage risks


  • link Core technology evaluation, development, commercialization and IP protection
  • link Business strategy and fund raising
  • link Digital ownership of the business category
  • link Best in class products via in-house or outsourced manufacturing
  • link Organizational excellence
  • link Sales and marketing leadership
  • link New age business practices based on digital transformation and a platform approach